Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jingoism vs. the intellectual elite ...

The title of this post was born from some left-over thoughts on my last post, most importantly that anyone I've met who seems to be living the jaded, apathetic lifestyle and perspective that I was describing before also seem to lack any strong feelings towards the country as it is now.

It's a criticism often used by the far Right, which I find hard to combat. I love the idea of America and any bleeding-heart liberals and conservatives will, on some level, agree with that statement. However, the Generation Apathy that I described before lack the sense of wonderment that I think is essential for our humanity, but that generation also seems to lack the rabid, almost blind-faith of our country. I'm definitely someone who errs on the side of being very critical of how our country is run and while I love and appreciate what we stand for, I feel like that meaning is lost more often than anyone would like. The fine line between being critical to help improve our country and anti-American sentiments seems to be blurred because we're too young to really appreciate everything we get with America (the good and the bad) and even the strongest historians can't totally appreciate where we came from to get to this point.

[More to come ...]

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